HRA (CHR III-A002-2002) On Purchased Power Adjustments


HRA (CHR III No. AD-2003-01) On Filipino Comfort Women

HRA (CHR III No. AD-2003-02) On Drug Testing of Government Employees and Candidates for National & Local Office


HRA (CHR-A2004-001) On the Right to Suffrage

HRA (CHR III-2004-02) On Summary Execution and Disappearance of Criminals

HRA (CHR III-A2004-003) On Applying the Rights Based Approach (RBA) to Development and Governance

HRA (CHR-A2004-004) On the No Permit, No Rally Policy


HRA (CHR-A2005-001) Advisory on the Exercise of Visitorial Powers of the Commission on Human Rights

HRA (CHR-A2005-002) On the Call for a Humanitarian Ceasefire in the Calamity Areas of Northern Quezon and Aurora

HRA (CHR-A2005-003) On the MMDA’s WET-RAG Policy

HRA (CHR-A2005-004) On the Abolition of Death Penalty

HRA (CHR-A2005-005) On the Killings of Members of BAYAN MUNA, ANAKPAWIS, GABRIELLA and other Allied Organizations

HRA (CHR-A2005-007) The Spate of Killings of Filipino Journalists and the Gravamen of Impunity with the Law

HRA (CHR-A2005-008) On the Administration’s Calibrated Pre-emptive Response (CPR) Policy


HRA (CHR-A2006-001) On the Protection of Human Rights and the Declaration of the State of National Emergency


HRA (CHR-2007-001) Right to Suffrage-Voters Education