- The Political Economy of the Death Penalty: GSP+ and Implications in the Philippines – CHR (V) A2021-007
- On the Red-Tagging of Human Rights Groups, Civil Society Organizations, and Individuals in the Cordillera (CHR CAR-A-2021-003)
- On the accessibility of elections – CHR (V) A2022-03
- Death Penalty and Most Serious Crime: The reintroduction of the death sentence for drug-related offences in the Philippines – CHR (V) A2022-002
- On the suicide of a 10-year old Grade 4 student of Barangay Biong, Gigmoto, Catanduanes (CHR-V-A2021-003)
- Advisory on COVID-19 Vaccines (CHR V A2021-001)
- Advisory on the protection of children of incarcerated parents (CHR (V) A2021-002)
- Human Rights Advisory – Reportorial Duties of Duty-Bearers Under the Anti-Torture Act of 2009, Anti-Enforced Or Involuntary Disappearance Act of 2012, and Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020
- Gaps in Access to Justice: The Overseas Filipino Workers’ Experience, an Initial Analysis of Philippine Jurisprudence on Labor Migration
- Deterrence and the Death Penalty – CHR (V) A2021-003
- On the Increased Vulnerability of Women Migrant Workers on Death Row
- On the Rights of Persons Experiencing Homelessness and Destitution during Pandemic – CHR (V) A2021-004
- Human Rights Advisory on Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination – CHR (V) A2021-006
- Advisory Series on Human Rights in the Time of COVID-19 in the Philippines (CHR V A2020 02)
- Handling of Children in Street Situation (CISS) in times of National Health Emergency (CHR V A2020-003)
- Human Rights Standards on the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) during the COVID-19 Emergency (CHR V A2020-004)
- Human Rights Standards on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Affected by the Taal Volcano Erruption
- Disclosure of Health information of Person/s with Coronavirus Disease-2019 (CHR CAR A2020-002)
- Human Rights Advisory on Withholding of Relief Goods as Penalty for Violating Curfew Ordinances (CHR V A2020-05)
- Human Rights Advisory on Indigenous Cultural Communities / Indigenous Peoples (ICCs/Ips) Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic (CHR V A2020-006)
- Advisory on the Human Rights of Older Filipinos amid the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic (CHR V A2020-07)
- Human Rights Aspects in the Implementation of RA 11469 or “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act” (CHR V A2020-008)
- Pangangalaga sa mga Batang Pilipino sa Gitna ng Pangkalusugang Krisis Dala ng COVID-19
- Human Rights in the times of COVID-19 in the Philippines in pursuit of the rights-based model of disability amid the COVId-19 pandemic the in the Philippines (CHR V A2020-009)
- Human Rights Advisory Series on the Human Rights of Workers (CHR V A2020-010)
- Protecting the rights of persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) during the COVID-19 crisis and early release of older persons, low risk inmates and persons with chronic medical condition or bailable offenses (CHR V A2020-011)
- Right to Freedom of Movement (CHR V A2020-013)
- Protection of children from online sexual abuse and exploitation during COVID-19 (CHR V A2020-014)
- Human Rights Implication of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 (CHR V A2020-015)
- Withdrawal of the Philippines from the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (CHR V A2020-016)
- Providing Video-Link Evidence in Court Proceeding in the Philippines (CHR A2019-006)
- Effect of the Reimposition of the Death Penalty on the Philippines’ Extradition Treaties (CHR A 2019-007)
- Ten (10) Rape Prevention Tips Posted on the Facebook Page of the Calamba City Police Station (CHR IV-A HRA-2020-01)
- Human Rights Bulletin on CHR’s Position on the Anti-Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Bill (Senate Bill No. 1271)
- Safe Spaces Act of 2019 or the Bawal Bastos Law – CHR CARAGA
- Human Rights Bulletin on CHR Region X Support to the Passage of the Cagayan de Oro CIty Diversity and Equality Ordinance (CDEO)
- Ensuring gender-responsiveness interventions to COVID-19 and the new normal including ensuring prompt, effective, and survivor-centered response to all forms of gender-based violence (JMC No. 2020-01)
- Advisory Amid the Enhanced Community Quarantine (CHR NCR)
- On the Hoarding of Face Masks, Alcohol and other Basic Commodities Amidst the Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic (CHR IV-A-HRA-2020-02)
- Women and COVID-19 (CHR CARAGA)
- Human Rights Bulletin on the Right to Equal Opportunity for Employment of Persons with Disability (CHR X)
- On the Alleged Right to Privacy Violation Committed by the Calamba Police Against Person Whose Names Were Included in its Contact Tracing Memorandum (CHR IV-A-HRA-2020-003)
- On the Protection of Frontline Health Workers, Uniformed Personnel and Other Service Provided Against Discrimination (CHR VIII)
- Human Rights Standards of the Public Disclosure of Personal Information of COVID-19 Patients (CHR-ROI-LD-2020-01)
- Reinforcing Children’s Rights and Protection Amid COVID-19 Pandemic (CHR VIII)
- Women’s Rights Amid COVID-19 Pandemic (CHR VIII)
- Privacy Protection of the Personal Information of Individuals Classified under Suspected, Probable, and Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 (CHR IX)
- Provision of Express or Priority Lanes to the Elderly in All Business Establishments During National Emergencies (CHR VIII)
- Human Rights and State Duties During Calamities (CHR-RO3-ADV-20200401)
- Human Rights and State Duties During Calamities (CHR-RO3-ADV-20200402)
- Attacks of NPA on Government Security Forces in Masbate (CHR-V-2020-002)
- Handling Curfew Violations of Minors (CHR-V-2020-003)
- On the Statement Posted on the Facebook Page of the Lucban Municipal Police Station on 12 June 2020 (CHR-IV-A-HRA-2020-004)
- On the Conduct of Plebiscite in the Province of Palawan (CHR-IV-B-2020-001)
- Urgent Advisory on the Deaths in Custody of the Parojinog Siblings (CHR V A2020-020)
- The Effect of Reimposing the Death Penalty on the EU GSP+ Benefits to the Philippines (CHR V A2020-018)
- Human Rights Advisory – Improvement of Living Conditions of the Community Quarantine or Isolation Facilities (CHR-VIII-ADV-2020-001)
- On the Ambush of Two (2) PNP Officers in Albay (CHR-V-2020-005)
- On the Validity of the Philippines’ Ratification of the Second Optional Protocol CHR (V) A2020-017
- On Follow-up to Accepted Recommendations by the Philippines During the Third Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review CHR (V) A2020-019
- United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution offering Technical Assistance and Capacity-Building to the Philippine Government (A/HRC/45/L.33) – CHR (V) A2020-021
- Lowering of the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility
- On the Conduct of Checkpoints in Connection with the 13 May 2019 National and Local Elections
- On the Increase of SSS Pension Benefits (CHR V A2019-001)
- Identification and Definition of Various CHR Policy Issuances and Providing Process Flow of Guide in Drafting of CHR Policy Issuances
- Human Rights Advisory (CHR-II-2019-003) On the Need to Provide Clean Potable Water in all BJMP Prisons in Region II
- Issuance of Findings and Corrective Action Report Guidelines
- Concluding Observations on the Combined 7th & 8th Periodic Reports of the Philippines on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) – (CHR A2019-004)
- Concluding Observations on the 3rd Periodic Report of the Philippines on the Convention Against Torture (CHR A2019-003)
- Accessibility as a Matter of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (A2019-005)
- Necessity of Establishing ” Bahay Pag-Asa” in the Province of Cagayan Pursuant to RA No. 9344 as Amended by RA No. 10630 (CHR-II-2019-002)
- Need to Provide Clean Potable Water in All BJMP Prisons in Region II (CHR-II-2019-003)
- Accepted and Noted Recommendations by the Philippines During the Third Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (CHR A2018-001)
- Reporting of the Philippine Government to Human Rights Treaty Bodies (CHR A2018-007)
- Conduct of Mandatory Random Drug Testing for Public Officers and Employees (CHR A2018-03)
- Overseas Filipino Workers on Death Row (CHR V A2018-004)
- On the Election of the Philippines to the United Nations Human Rights Council (CHR A2018-006)
- Statement of the CHRP to the Pre-session of the 3rd Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review
- CHRP at the Adoption of Outcomes of the Philippines’ 3rd Cycle of the UPR
- Denunciation of and Withdrawal from International Treaties to Re-impose the Death Penalty
- CHRP Inputs on Cross Border Cooperation Between States
- CHRP Inputs to the HRC Resolution 32/13 “The Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the Internet”
- Responses to the Questionnaire on Access to Justice of Persons with Disabilities, Relevant to HRC Resolution 31/6 Concerning the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Inputs to UNESCO – Promoting Human Rights Training for Media Professionals and Journalists
- Responses to Call for Inputs: General Assembly Resolution 70/166: Effective Promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, and Addendum to the CHRP Inputs
- Responses to the Call for Inputs on the “Impact of Fundamentalism and Extremism on the Cultural Rights of Women
- Responses to the Call for Inputs to the Thematic Report to the HLPF on the Protection and Realization of Children’s Rights in the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda
- Inputs to Questionnaire on National Action Plans to Achieve the Ends of UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Inputs to the OHCHR Report on Protecting the Rights of the Child in Humanitarian Situations – Human Rights Council Resolution 34/16
- HRA (CHR-A2016-001) On the Expulsion of Students in Golden Heritage Polytechnic College by reason of their “No Love Affair” School Policy
- HRA (CHR V-A2016-002) Advisory on the Re-imposition of the Death Penalty
- GOA (CHR-A2016-003) NHRIs for LGBTI Inclusion in the Sustainable Development Goals
- GOA (CHR-A2016-004) Manila Standard Headline, Degrade, Demean, and Discriminate
- GOA (CHR-A2016-005) Comments of the Commission on Human Rights to the CEDAW Committee Draft on General Recommendation 19 (1992): Accelerating elimination of gender-based violence against women
- GOA (CHR-A2016-006) Uphold Women’s Human Rights, Stop the Showing of Alleged ‘Sex Video’
- GOA (CHR-A2016-007) Calling Support for the Establishment of an Independent Expert on Protection Against Violence and Discrimination Based Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) at the UN Human Rights Council
- HRA (CHR V-A2016-008) Advisory on the Ratification by the Philippine Government of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
- HRA (CHR-A2016-009) On the Right to Food
- Comments in Relation to the Concluding Observations of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- CHRP Statement at the 59th Session of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- CHRP Comments on the Concluding Observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
- CHRP Parallel Report to the CAT for the 57th Session of the Committee Against Torture
- HRA (CHR V-2015-001) On Whether or not the Human Rights of a Person is Violated by posting Him ‘Her as ”Person of Interest”
- HRA (CHR-A2015-002) On Graphic Health Warning on Tobacco Products Law (Republic Act No. 10643)
- HRA (CHR-A2015-003) An HRBA Training of PNP Personnel in Handling Detainees (Enhancing the Capabilities of the PNP)
- HRA (CHR-A2015-004) On the PNP’s Compliance on the UN Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners
- HRA (CHR-A2015-005) On the Right to Adequate Food of PNP Detainees (The right to adequate food. an inclusive right)
- HRA (CHR A2015-006) On the Lack of Standard Police Stations & Lock Up Cells in Some Municipalities/Cities