- Denial of the Request for the Release of Fund Allocated by R.A. No. 10368 for the Establishment of a Memorial/Museum/Library in Honor of the Victims of Human Rights Violations
- On bills establishing a Code of Conduct for the Eviction of Underprivileged and Homeless Citizens, Demolition of their Dwellings, and their Resettlement Amending for the Purpose R.A. No. 7279, Otherwise Known as the “Urban Development and Housing Act of 1992”
- On the Proposed Act Creating Programs For Incarcerated Mothers and their Children Act (House Bill Nos. 117 and 3197)
- On Magna Carta on Religious Freedom
- On Gender Responsive and Inclusive Pandemic Management
- On the Proposed Measures Protecting Children by Prohibiting and Declaring Child Marriage as Illegal
- On National Preventive Mechanism Act
- On House Bill No. 9177 or the Proposed Anti-Hate Speech Act
- On the Proposed Bill on Internally Displaced Persons
- On House Bill No. 7379 or Proposed Destitute Persons Act
- On the Proposed New Public Assembly Act
- Proposed Measures Prohibiting Discrimination Against Persons with Confirmed, Suspected, and Probable Cases of COVID-19, Repatriated OFWs, and Frontline Workers
- On the Proposed Draft Ordinance of the Provincial Government of La Union Entitled “An Act Declaring Every Second Saturday of November as LGBTQ Community Day in the Province of La Union” (CHR I)
- On the Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Bill at the House of Representatives, 18th Congress
- On the Amendment of the Anti-Rape Law and Other Relevant Laws
- Comfort Women Compensation and Benefit Act (HB 1182)
- Proposed Amendment of the Comprehensive Tuberculosis Elimination Plan Act
- Creation of a National Women’s Museum
- Women Participation and Representation in Political Parties Act of 2016 (HB 3200)
- Teacher Protection Bill (HB 58) filed int he 17th Congress of the House of Representatives
- Proposal to Establish a National ID System
- Amendment of the Corporation Code of the Philippines
- Proposed Measures to Provide for Journalist Protection, Security, Additional Insurance Coverage and Benefits
- Draft Bangsamoro Basic Law
- Strengthening the Commission on Human Rights as a National Human Rights Institution Under the Constitution
- House Bill No. 6595 or an Act Recognizing the Civil Partnership of Couples
- Proposed 100-Day Maternity Leave Law Filed in the 17th Congress of the House of Representatives
- House Bill No. 5898 on Survivorship Benefit for Members of the Constitutional Commissions and the Ombudsman
- Anti-Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity or Expression Bill
- House Bill No 5451 Declaring 21st of Sept as a National Day of Remembrance of the Heroes and Martyrs of the Martial Law Era
- Proposed Measures Defining Street, Public Places, and Online Sexual Harassment, Providing Protective Measures and Prescribing Penalties
- Universal Health Care Bill
- Proposed Measure Defining the Rights of Human Rights Defenders
- House Bill No. 7513 or the Proposed Measure for the Protection of Children during Unsafe Hours
- Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Bills in the 17th Congress of the House of Representatives
- Senate Bill No. 14: “An Act Adjusting the Amount Involved, Value of Property or Damage on Which a Penalty is Based, and the Fines Under Act. No. 3815 as Amended, Otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code”
- Proposed Amendments to the Family Code
- Anti-Elder Abuse Bill
- An Act Providing for the Special Protection of Children in Situations of Armed Conflict and Providing Penalties for Violations Therefor
- Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Bills In The 17th Congress Of The House Of Representatives (House Bills Nos. 79, 491, 576, 1556, 3312, 3468, 3541, 3895)
- Senate Bill No. 14, “ An Act Adjusting the Amount Involved, Value of Property
or Damage on Which a Penalty is Based, and the Fines Under Act No. 3815
as Amended, Otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code” - Right to Adequate Food Bills in the 17th Congress of the House of Representatives
- Mental Health Bills Filed in the House of Representative
- Comprehensive Mental Health Act
- House Bill No. 4569 or An Act Providing for the Creation of a Council for the Welfare of Older Persons
- House Bills Amending and Expanding the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 (House Bills Nos. 1471, 2595, 2664, 2850, 5153 & 5584)
- Positive Discipline Bill Filed in the Senate (Senate Bill 1477)
- House Bills No. 158 and 750 Establishing the National Committee for the Prevention of Torture (NCPT)
- House Bill No. 2953 Prohibiting the Detention of and Mandating the Immediate Release of Cadavers of Muslims from Hospitals and Other Similar Facilities
- Amendment of Republic Act No. 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment of 1995 (House Bill Nos. 194, 508, 2591, 2932, 3691, 4822, and 5213)
- Best Practices and How to Improve on the Effectiveness of Cross-Border Cooperation Between States with Respect to Law Enforcement on the Issue of Business and Human Rights
- Global Compact on Migration, 4th thematic session, 24th/25th July 2017, New York Topic: “Contributions of migrants and diasporas to all dimensions of sustainable development, including remittances and portability of
earned benefits” - Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration. Fifth thematic session: “Smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons and contemporary forms of slavery, including appropriate identification, protection and assistance to migrants and trafficking victims”
- Human Rights Standards on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the Marawi City Crisis (CHR A2017-001)
- Denunciation of and Withdrawal from International Treatise to Reimpose the Death Penalty
- Right to Education of Persons with Disabilities (CHR A2017-003)
- Drop Box System in Reporting Crimes (CHR A2017-004)
- DILG Proposal to Use Stickers to Identify Drug Free Homes (CHR A2017-005)
- Submission by the Philippines: Commission on Human Rights, Statement of the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines for the Annual Full-Day Meeting: Rights of the Child (Resolution 7/29 & 31/7), 6 March 2017,
The 34th Session of the Human Rights Council (27 February – 24 March 2017) - Submission by the Philippines: Commission on Human Rights, Statement of the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines for the Biennial High-Level Panel: Death Penalty
- CHRP’s Position Paper on the Draft General Comment on State Obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Context of Business Activities
- House Bill No. 5898 on Survivorship Benefits for Members of the Constitutional Commissions and the Ombudsman