Dignity in Aging: Exploring the Multidimensional Nature of Filipinos’ Concept of Rights of Older Persons
by the Research Division ABSTRACT This study seeks to provide valuable insights into the perceived level of dignity among older Filipinos by examining the 11 key dimensions associated with “living with dignity” among older Filipinos. It also seeks to close gaps in the discourse on dignity and identify the underlying reasons for patterns in the […]
RESEARCH | Karapatang Pang-Tao at Pagiging Relihiyoso: The Role of Religiosity/Spirituality and Human Rights in Mental Health and Life Satisfaction
This study sets out to examine the relationship of human rights and mental health, specifically, to describe the Filipinos’ level of perceived mental health status, perception of what rights the government should afford to its citizens, perceived importance of the freedom to practice one’s religion, and religiosity/spirituality, and how these factors are related to life […]
Harvard Study Examines the Social and Human Costs of Targeted Harassment to Human Rights Workers in the Philippines
Cambridge, Massachusetts – A new study published by the Harvard Kennedy School’s Shorenstein Center discusses the social and human costs of disinformation and targeted harassment to the human rights sector in the Philippines. According to co-author Dr Jonathan Corpus Ong, Research Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School and Associate Professor of Communication at the University of […]
POLICY BRIEF | The Rights of Public School Teachers in Mangaldan, Pangasinan During the Pandemic: Status, Challenges, and Recommendations
Executive Summary Human rights are universal, mutually-reinforcing, and interdependent. The right to education is an integral part of the basic human rights and is being fulfilled by learning institutions and educators. Early this year, the novel corona virus was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a pandemic. Having no precedent, the situation has […]
A Phenomenological Analysis of the Project Double Barrel and the National War on Drugs: The Case of Tondo, Manila
This research explores the perceived epistemic break in the status of human rights in the Philippines. Through interviews of the perception on the war on drugs, and content analysis of laws and local government policies, this research sheds light on the role and function of violence such as EJKs and other innovations on the rule […]
An Inquiry into the Quarry: Lived Experiences and Narratives in Rombon’s Mining Communities
Liberalized mining laws in 1995 was set on the contention that mining can spur growth at the national level but to this date, only environmental problems and human rights violations at the local realm have been set to motion.Indeed, the marble mining industry has placed Romblon into world-wide recognition but has also allegedly, adversely affected […]
Functionality of the Violence Againts Women (VAW) Desks in the Barangays of Manito, Albay
Women are significant to society since they nurture the families, educate the youth for constructive citizenship in the society and provide leadership in certain professional and political fields. Thus, the Philippine government has enshrined various legal instruments for the protection of women against violence which includes the establishment of Violent Against Women (VAW) Desks. This […]